Question Personalization Instructions

Step 1: Go to:

Under Tasks there will be a list of courses for Question Personalization (example below):

Question Personalization Instructions tasks

Step 2: When you click on the course, you will see the following screen.

Step 2:  When you click on the course, you will see the following screen.

Step 3: On the drop-down menu at the top, click “View Customizable”.

You will see all the scales available for adding personalized questions. You can add up to 3 personalized questions.

Step 3:  On the drop-down menu at the top, click “View Customizable”.   You will see all the scales available for adding personalized questions.  You can add up to 3 personalized questions.

Step 4: Click the Customize icon under the type of question you want to add. You will see the Question editor below.

Step 5: Type in the question text in the box under the word Question.

Step 6:  Type in the question text in the box under the word Question

Step 6: After you type the question text at cursor. Click the “X” in the upper right corner when you are done.

Step 7:  After you type the question text at cursor.  Click the “X” in the upper right corner when you are done.

Step 7: After you click the “X” in the upper right corner, the question you typed in will have a green toggle switch saying “Included”.

Step 8:  After you click the “X” in the upper right corner, the question you typed in will have a green toggle switch saying “Included”.

Step 8:  You can click “Preview” at the top, you can view the course evaluation form including the added personalized questions.

Step 9:  You can click “Save” if you are not finished and want to return to edit questions.

Step 10:  If you enter more than 3 personalized questions, all your questions will not appear on the course evaluation.

Step 11: When you have completed all your personalized questions, click the blue “Submit “button to finalize and submit so that questions appear on course evaluation.

If you do not click “Submit”, the personalized questions marked “Include”, will not appear on the course evaluation.

The “Submit” button appears at the top and at the bottom of the page.

Step 12:  When you have completed all your personalized questions, click the blue “Submit “button to finalize and submit so that questions appear on course evaluation.

Copy questions between your courses

If you have multiple courses, you can copy personalized questions between your courses. This can save you a lot of time and effort in rewriting applicable questions that you have added to previous evaluations. You will have two copy options:

  • Copy selection from - Allows you to copy questions you have already selected in a different course to this evaluation.
  • Copy selections to - Allows you to copy questions you have selected in this evaluation to one or several of your other courses.

Copy selections to

When you have completed a question personalization task, you can copy the selections and personalized questions you made to one or several other courses.

  1. Click Copy Options from the Question Personalization menu. Click this icon next to the Submit button: Click Copy Options from the Question Personalization menu.
  2. Select Copy Selections To. A window will appear named Copy selections to.
  3. Search for the course name you wish to copy the questions to and select it.

3.	Search for the course name you wish to copy the questions to and select it.

4. Choose to only copy the questions, or copy and submit the task immediately.

5. Select Copy to finalize the process.


Choosing to copy and submit can save you the step of manually submitting a task for each course one by one. However, this also means you cannot review or modify the questions in the task after it has been submitted.

CAUTION Choosing to copy and submit can save you the step of manually submitting a task for each course one by one. However, this also means you cannot review or modify the questions in the task after it has been submitted.

Copy selection from

If you have already completed a question personalization task for a different course, you can copy the same selections and personalized questions from that course to the one you are currently completing.

  1. Click Copy Options from the Question Personalization menu. Click this icon next to the Submit button:    copy
  2. Select Copy Selections From . A window will appear named Copy selections from.
  3. Search for the course name you wish to copy the questions from and select it.

3.	Search for the course name you wish to copy the questions from and select it.

4. Select Copy to finalize the process.

5. Review the task with the copied questions before submitting.

5.	Review the task with the copied questions before submitting.