Evaluation Form

Thank you for taking the time to complete your course evaluations. Your responses are confidential. Course-wide summary data and individual responses are provided to instructors and teaching fellows after final grades have been submitted to the Registrar. Instructors and teaching fellows are not able to link an individual student to any specific response or comment. Your comments and responses matter. Course evaluation by students is one method of improving the quality of teaching and learning at Harvard. Instructors and teaching fellows take your feedback seriously and read all the comments you provide. Please evaluate your courses and instructors as you would expect your own work to be evaluated. Be thorough, respectful, and constructive. Comments on personal appearance or personal characteristics are not appropriate.

Course Questions

Evaluate the course overall.

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory


What were the strengths of this course? Please be specific and use concrete examples where possible.


How could this course be improved? Please use concrete examples where possible and provide constructive suggestions.


Course materials (readings, audio-visual materials, textbooks, lab manuals, website, etc.)

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory
◻ Not Applicable

Add comments about course materials.


Assignments (exams, essays, problem sets, language homework, etc.)

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory
◻ Not Applicable

Add comments about course assignments.


Feedback you received on work you produced in this course

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory
◻ Not Applicable

Add comments about course feedback.


Section component of the course

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory
◻ Not Applicable

Add comments about course section.


On average, how many hours per week did you spend on coursework outside of class? Enter a whole number between 0 and 168.


How difficult did you find this course?

◻ Very Difficult
◻ Difficult
◻ Moderate
◻ Easy
◻ Very Easy
◻ Not Applicable


In your opinion, what preparation or background is necessary to take this course?


What was/were your reason(s) for enrolling in this course? (Please check all that apply)

◻ Elective
◻ Concentration or Department Requirement
◻ Secondary Field or Language Citation Requirement
◻ Undergraduate General Education Requirement
◻ Expository Writing Requirement
◻ Foreign Language Requirement
◻ Pre-Med Requirement
◻ Divisional Distribution Requirement
◻ Quantitative Reasoning with Data Requirement


How strongly would you recommend this course to your peers?

◻ Recommend with Enthusiasm
◻ Likely to Recommend
◻ Recommend with Reservations
◻ Unlikely to Recommend
◻ Definitely not Recommend
◻ Not Applicable


What did you take away from your experience in this course? What did you learn? How did this course change you?


What would you like to tell future students about this class? (Your response to this question may be published anonymously.)?


Instructor Questions
Evaluate your Instructor [Instructor Name] on the following:

Evaluate your Instructor overall.

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory


Gives effective lectures or presentations, if applicable

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory
◻ Not Applicable


Is accessible outside of class (including after class, office hours, e-mail, etc.)

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory
◻ Not Applicable


Generates enthusiasm for the subject matter

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory
◻ Not Applicable


If this course was conducted in a lecture format with the involvement of section leaders, one or more of the following questions may not be applicable. Instructor: [Instructor Name] Facilitates discussion and encourages participation

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory
◻ Not Applicable


Gives useful feedback on assignments

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory
◻ Not Applicable


Returns assignments in a timely fashion

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory
◻ Not Applicable


Please comment on this person's teaching. (Your response to this question may be published anonymously.)


Section Leader Questions
Evaluate your Section Leader [Section Leader Name] on the following:

Evaluate your Section Leader overall.

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory


Gives effective lectures or presentations, if applicable

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory
◻ Not Applicable


Facilitates discussion and encourages participation

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory
◻ Not Applicable


Is accessible outside of class (including after class, office hours, e-mail, etc.)

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory
◻ Not Applicable


Generates enthusiasm for the subject matter

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory
◻ Not Applicable


Gives useful feedback on assignments

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory
◻ Not Applicable


Returns assignments in a timely fashion

◻ Excellent
◻ Very Good
◻ Good
◻ Fair
◻ Unsatisfactory
◻ Not Applicable


Please comment on your Section Leader's teaching.